Six Bacterial Vaginosis Causes

What are the main bacterial vaginosis causes? There are a variety of things that can potentially lead to a reduction of the healthy bacteria in the vagina, and in turn can cause bacterial vaginosis. They are:

  • Multiple sex partners
  • Female sex partners
  • Use of an intrauterine device for birth control
  • Not using a condom
  • Use of a douche
  • Smoking

The list above includes the most widely accepted activities which can potentially lead to BV, but there are a several other potential causes of bacterial vaginosis that are not as prevalent but still may be something for you to consider. These bacterial vaginosis causes include a deficiency of iron while pregnant, the wearing of a “thong” as an undergarment (a thong can potentially introduce germs from the anus, due to a recent bowel movement, into the vagina by way of a rubbing and moving thong), and in younger girls, BV has been known to develop due to the strep virus, as well as poor hygiene (improper wiping) after bowel movements.

There you have it...the main and less prevalent bacterial vaginosis causes. For more information about bacterial vaginosis, including other women's experiences and natural treatment options, check out this web site.